Populārais forums Reddit atalgos satura veidotājus ar tokeniem uz ERC-20 bāzes
Populārais forums Reddit palaida Ethereum-tokenu beta testēšanu kā atalgojumu par satura veidošanu.
Got my @Reddit Vault Set up. Supposedly the new feature will incentivize quality posts and comments on Reddit. Based on @ethereum Rinkeby testnet (ERC-20) in beta, if successful then launched on Ethereum mainnet. I think the Reddit Community Points will prove A New Frontier. 😊 pic.twitter.com/2w6wSKWKFb
— nich ㋡ (@bothersome) May 14, 2020
Jaunās iniciatīvas ietvaros, sabreddītu biedri r/Cryptocurrency un r/FortniteBR, kas veido 1 miljonu un 1,3 miljonus lietotāju, saņems MOONS un BRICKS standarta ERC-20 tokenus, raksta The Block.
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